Hungarian rules
- 21/2001. (II. 14.) Government Act on the rules of air protection link
- 2005. XV. Law about the trading of the GHG units link
- 96/2009. (XII. 9.) Parliament Decision on the national Environmental Programme for 2009-2014 link
- GHG emissions and removals in 2011 link
- The National Climate Change Strategy link
EU rules
The European Commission has taken many climate-related initiatives since 1991, when it issued the first Community strategy to limit carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and improve energy efficiency. These include: a directive to promote electricity from renewable energy, voluntary commitments by car makers to reduce CO2 emissions by 25% and proposals on the taxation of energy products. However, it is clear that action by both Member States and the European Community needs to be reinforced if the EU is to succeed in cutting its greenhouse gas emissions to 8% below 1990 levels by 2008-2012, as required by the Kyoto protocol.
The European 2020 climate change strategy formulate the 3 X 20 % reduction:
- the CO2 emission has to reach the min. 20% below the level of the year 1990,
- in the energy consumption min. 20% must be provided from renewable resources,
- by improving the efficient use of energy to obtain 20% energy reduction at the primary consumption sources
Integrated Product Policy Building on Environmental Life-Cycle Thinking link
Improving the sustainable production and consumption link
Green Paper - Adapting to climate change in Europe link
White Paper - Adapting to climate change: Towards a European framework for action link
A Roadmap for moving to a competitive low carbon economy in 2050 link
Roadmap 2050, High Hopes - High Stakes, proceeding of Mr. Péter Olajos, Deputy State Secretary about the roadmap for reaching the low carbon economy link
GWP 100 link
Single market for green products ( environmental footprint of products/services and organisations) link
EUROBAROMETER survey on green products link
WBCD/WRI standards
Product Accounting & Reporting Standard link
The new 2011 version of the GHG Protocol standard was released
SOLTUB Ltd. contributed to the development of the new version of the GHG Protocol Corporate Value Chain ( Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard (see page 146) and to the development of the GHG Protocol Product Life Cycle Accounting and Reporting Standard (see page 143).
Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard link
Related projects
Open EU (One Planet Economy Network: Europe)
An EU FP7 research project having the aim to analyse the impact of production and consumption on the environment, to develop the MIRO model and to advise the use of the footprint family (carbon footprint -CF, water footprint- WP and the ecological footprint-EF).
CORPUS (Enhancing the Connectivity Between Research and Policy- Making in Sustainable Consumption)
An EU FP7 research project on the visibility of the sustainable production and consumption in three different areas as food, households and mobility.
GILDED (Governance, Infrastructure, Lifestyle Dynamics and Energy Demand)
The project aim is to identify those social, economic and cultural/political changes which can influence the citizens to reduce their energy consumption.
PACT (Pathways for Carbon Transitions)
The aim of the EU FP7 project is to design a post – carbon society and the ways how to reach this society in the next 50 years. The realisation is linked with the energy consumption. For developing the scenarios two items was analysed: changes in behaviour (land use and urbanisation) and changes in the life style.
PACHELBEL (Policy addressing climate change and learning about consumer behaviour and everyday life)
The aim of the EU FP7 project is to develop the STAVE (Systematic Tool for Behavioural Assumption Validation and Exploration) tool, which can be used in developing the sustainability policies.
ENCI-LowCarb Project (European Network Engaging Civil Society in Low Carbon Scenarios)
The project aim is to develop low energy and technology scenarios, improving the communication between the researchers and NGO-s, mainly for reduction the GHG emission in France and Germany in the year 2050
Financing the low carbon technologies
In order to facilitate the low carbon technologies the EU initiated the establishment of the Global Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Fund (GEEREF)