

FVM 98857/2/2003: Good Agricultural Practices in vegetable production

GKM- SZVP- 2003-4-03-07-18: Handbook on crop production


NKTH- DA-HALO 05- FMBDR511: Red pepper quality assurance

NKTH- MEC 00385/05: Good farming practices in agriculture


NKTH FKTPKT 28: Vegetable Technology Platform


INTERREG COSHARKA HU-SK 09/01/0126 " Inovative practices for improving the regional fruit growing health and quality aspects", coordinator Corvinus Egyetem, Kertészettudományi Kar, Növénykortani Tanszék


INTERREG Redpepper TRD HU-RO 08/01/143 " Research for improving the quality of the red pepper end product quality in plastic tunnels", coordinator Fűszerpaprika Kutató Fejlesztő Nonprofit Kft.


INTERREG SOILMAP HU-RO 09/01/062 "Development and evaluation of a complex chemical-physical-microbiological approach for assessing quality of soils"  coordinator Szegedi Tudományegyetem, Természettudományi és Informatikai Kar, Mikrobiológiai Tanszék


INTERREG Inno- CropFood HUHR/1001/2.1.3/0001/01/123 tender: "Writing a study dealing with the innovation position of the cross-border region from aspects of joint RDI capacities in the agro-food sector at the geographical area of the Inno CropFood project" ( 2012)




FP7 EUPHOROS Reducing the need for external inputs in high value protected horticultural and ornamental crops

This four-year project aims at developing a sustainable greenhouse system with minimal use of non-renewable energy and minimal carbon footprint of equipment; with no waste of water nor emission of fertilizers and full recycling of the substrate; with minimal need of plant protective chemicals yet with high productivity and resource use efficiency.


FP7 MYCOHUNT Rapid Biosensor for the Detection of Mycotoxin in Wheat

The MycoHunt project aims at increasing the competitiveness of a large group of SMEs by developing a cost-effective method to detect infection of mycotoxin deoxynivalenol in wheat grains, a major threat to the food and feed sector of the European industry. A group of SME-AGs, covering the two relevant sectors and representing vast number of sector SMEs, have put together this project in order to gain knowledge and resources to further exploit the results of the novel technology proposed by providing a thorough sampling and measurement method of grain.


FP7 INEMAD Improved Nutrient and Energy Management through Anaerobic Digestion


INEMAD will concentrate on innovative strategies to reconnect livestock and crop production farming systems. New flows of energy and materials within the agricultural sector (or linked to the agricultural sector) will be analysed and will create opportunities for re-thinking the relation between crop and livestock production. Various options to cope with recycling, greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, and bio-based economy will need an integral assessment on energy and nutrient flows and will cause new arrangements between firms, land use and land management. INEMAD will address the question of what new methods and how new arrangements should be developed to restore the recycling within the specialisation context. To realize these ambitions, the leading principle of INEMAD is a triangular enlargement of the traditional farming systems with a “processing” system. Processing is proposed as a third system, to be linked with crop and the livestock production, in order to increase agricultural productivity while reducing external energy input and closing nutrient cycle. Nutrient recycling can be done by biogas production and the use of digestate as fertilizer. Digestate can not only replace the manure but also chemical fertiliser because of its comparable properties. INEMAD will analyse improvements options for biogas plants, valorisation options for the digestate, improve the management by the use of optimisation models and compare organisational structures.



FP7 FOOD INTEGRITY Assuring the Integrity of the Food Chain


The aim of the project is to provide assurance to consumers and other stakeholders about the safety, authenticity and quality of European food (integrity), to support the added value of the European Agri-food economy. The integrity of European foods is under constant threat from fraudulently labelled imitations that try to exploit that added value.


H2020  Nutri2Cycle Transition towards a more carbon and nutrient efficient agriculture in Europe


The project will assess the current Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P) and Carbon (C) flows looking into existing management techniques in different farms across Europe and analysing their related environmental problems. Tackling the existing nutrient flow gaps in Europe will help to decrease greenhouse gas emissions, reduce soil degradation and improve EU independence for energy and nutrients. 


HE  MIDAS  Utilisation of marginal lands for growing sustainable industrial crops and developing innovative bio-based products